So we've had two conferences lately. The focus was defiantly on the outbounds and Rotarians but it was still a log of fun. The rotex and inbounds stuck together and went on a day trip type thing later which was really nice!
So of course with roarty you can never get away with not speaking in front of a big group of people. Now public speaking has always made me nervous and in English that is. I was literally shaking half way through my presentation counting the mistakes I was making in Spanish. I surprisingly didn't makes as many as I thought I would, but still I was kinda dying. I was also a little bit proud of myself because everyone laughed at one of my jokes so that made me think of ll maybe I'm not doing that bad.
And now I'm even more proud of myself because I recently had to do a presentation just for my rotary club and I barely stumbled. Anyways here are the people that fit in the picture... There are many more behind the camera!
The people in the picture below is called the squad. We are Danish, Norwegian, German and of course Candaian! Us four girls as super close. These girls are definitely some of my best friends in the entire world.
Look at Antoine in the background! He's our French boy. Everyone loves him and it was really fun teaching him how to skate. At the end he kind of got the hang of it.
So here is all of us skating (rotex and inbounds). This was kinda weird... I was thinking wow I'm from Canada and I came to Argentina and I'm ice skating? What? On top of that we were ice skating in a mall in Buenos Aires capital. The skating rink was super tiny comparators to a hockey rink but it was still fun. Everyone expected a lot out of me because of the Canadian stereotype and I'm not a bad skater but I did fall once and it was a little embrassing...
We found a pretty walk in the mall and decided to take a picture. Yes I already know what you are thinking.. Why are we so bundled up? Because it's cold. Honestly I never expected Argentina to be so cold but now I find myself sleeping with the heater on and 3 blankets. It's not freezing but I've become so sensitive to the cold now, which is so weird. The first winter in Canada I'm sure I will die!
This was us laughing together at the back with Jakob (Germany). This is actually a kind of important picture to me because it captures a moment I do t have an adjective to describe. I felt so at home it was mind blowing. I honestly asks the the others "hey guys, where are the inbounds?" Only to realize as I was asking my words that we are intact the inbound exchange students. My mind went crazy for a couple seconds wondering how I actually thought that we were the Argentians.
Another day we all went to the mall (a different one) and the squad was back together doing what we do best.. Eating.
Alex and I decided to go outside to eat our McDonald's French fries and soon got followed by Anna and Liva. We were sitting in our shopping carts laughing away and decided it would be fun to have a race. So Anna starts pushing me and Liva starts pushing Alex. Off we go. Until we get in trouble by a security guard.. When this happened Alex and Liva took off so fast with there bags it was incredible and it left me and Anna there wondering what we were supposed to do with the mad guard and 2 shopping carts.
Here we are in Buenos Aures again. We are wearing our Blazers for the grits time and they are a little fuller now. (Before I had like 12 pins)
As exchange students we like to take pictures with everything and everyone so when the doorman at our hotel hat this fancy top hat we just had to take a picture with him.
Legs up! This became a signature pose for us and I really don't know why but we love it.
Here we are showing off our flags with pride. We are so happy to be on big international family!
Here we are again! At another mall! This seems to be rotex's favourite place to take us. Even though we are all too broke to buy anything when a normal shirt is like 1000 pesos.
But we did end up buying matching Argentina ball caps that made us look way too much like tourists! But that's ok it's a souvenir!
Here we are goofing around trying on other hats. We spent so much time in this one store goofing around and looking at everything. Poor Antoine was waiting outside for us like a gentleman probably bored to death.
Ok so Alex is the baby of the group and she finally finally turned 16! Now she's not the only one that is 15. So after the day in buenos aires (Saturday) I went home with her to celebrate her birthday which was on Monday.
I got to meet her big lovely group of friends. On Sunday so when I went to school with her on Monday I would already know someone and then we would get together for cake Monday night.
Here is us Sunday night making cake.
And us in class the next day. The class was super sweet they brought various sweets and cakes and drinks to school for Alex and had balloons all around the class. Feliz cumple Amiga!
So Argentina is Argentina and you never know what you might find.. Like a pony just chilling outside a normal house on a normal street as if it's normal.