Thursday 2 June 2016

A nice little weekend

can't believe I can't put videos in my blog! If I could you would be able to laugh ally more along with me. Basically I have this awesome video of my host dad doing the moon walk and then some other spunky moves when we had a sushi night. It was hilarious! My host dad made the sushi himself and even made vegetarian sushi for Clem and I. 
(Sorry it's supposed to say my but my Spanish keyboard autocorrected it and also honestly who knew I would be eating sushi in Argentina! Another thing that I didn't like before but like now!)
I haven't been out in a really long time! I guess plans just kept getting cancelled but I got to go out with two amazing friends the other night and it was super fun. 
This one is Leti and she has been one of my best friends since the start! I'm sure I've talked to you about her before! But now we are spending a lot more time together now that we live so close. 
Vicky is a fairly new friend. She goes to Taekwondo with Leti so I met her through her. But she is super sweet and really open! 
We ended up meeting up with some other friends too! Clem my best friend (the Frenchie), Agustin and Cande! 
Leti stayed most of the weekend so we had to buy some treats... Even though we only went to the store to buy some alfajores they were expensive so we came back with this instead hahaha. 
This is my host mom Pearla kissing the bed wetting dog Venecia. She is wearing underwear that we put a sanatary pad in because as my host mom says "she's in love" and leaves blood everywhere. They are planning on breeding her so this Thursday she will go meet her boyfriend. 

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